Rock Camp and Jazz Workshop in Bridgehampton, Long Island, Starting From Your Comfort Zone

At our summer music camp in Bridgehampton, Long Island in the Hamptons, there are 3 things that serve as the bedrock of what we do:

  1. Learning music.

  2. Having fun and making new friends. This is summer, time to be outside and enjoying ourselves!

  3. Moving out of our comfort zone.

The key to growth in music is a two step process

  1. Start in Your Comfort Zone

    Musicians come to us in our music camp in Long Island and New Jersey, with an interest and curiosity with music. We all are starting at different points in our development. One student never had lessons but loves singing along with music, another student had lessons at an early age, another student had lessons years ago and is now coming back to music. It’s all good. Come as you are, and we start from there. You wil be amazed at your growth when you are surrounded by supportive musicians and teachers.

  2. Leave Your Comfort Zone

    Whether you are a beginner or advanced musician, our job is to understand your strengths and weaknesses and then nudge you out of your comfort zone. How that is done exactly is really unique to each student. There is no formula, and this is really where the art of teaching comes into play. If someone is challenged and believes he or she can make that leap, he or she will. What inspires someone to make those leaps and grow? In my opinion, it’s a mix of new skills and self-confidence, a confidence that one gains through practice, rehearsals, and performances.