A Unique Kind of Hamptons Summer Camp, 4 Things That Make Us Different

Tucked away in Bridgehampton is a very different kind of summer camp in the Hamptons, one that lets folks of all ages explore the worlds of music, art, dance, and theater.

There are 4 things that make us a different kind of summer camp experience.

  1. This is summer! People of all ages have been in a routine all year - whether that is school or work - so it’s important that the experience be an inspiring, fun, and social experience.

  2. All of our teachers are experts in their chosen field. It’s important to us that all of our teachers have 2 things: a love for sharing their knowledge and teaching, and they are working on their own art form, pushing it forward. Why is this important to us? It cuts down on the fluff and getting lost in theories, students move from point A to point B, very very quickly. It’s remarkable to see.

  3. I want to come back to the social experience here. Creating music, art, dance, and theater is a fulfilling experience, but doing that with others, with new friends, your colleagues, your teachers, that makes the experience an inspiring one.

  4. All of our programs have a performance or an exhibit at the end of the week. Students have to work together, and the deadline of a concert, exhibit, recital, theater performance creates focus. Seeing this transformation in every student is quite amazing.